This site is Still Under Construction

Last Updated July 21st, 2002

Most services are availible, click on the left index to select. If you are interested in helping, please email me at

Due to being extremely busy at work over the last several months, I havn't had time to update the site at all. Things are starting to slow down again, and hopefully I'll be able to post further updates in the near future - thank you for your patience!

Special Thanks to the ISN News site for providing us with server space.

PhD, P.Eng, MBA

21/07/02 - Added Chris Sapiano's High Detail Warlock V4.0 Mesh to the list, click here for details.

8/04/01 - Love them or hate them, Tim Earl's official size charts of most B5 vessels, prepared for (and approved by) JMS and John Copeland while he was the visual arts director are now available in the resources section!

18/08/00 - Forall's Lightwave conversion of RLS' Warlock V3.5 is now available here in both LW 5.5 and 6.0 formats.

6/08/00 - RLS' Warlock V3.5 Mesh is currently availible here, information on the new version is also up.

3/08/00 - Updated Omar Chaudry's Information to his new v3.0, a major update!

31/07/00 - Added Thomas Banner's Warlock v1.0 for 3DS MAX 3.1

6/07/00 - Corrected a couple of small errors in the what we know section thanks to Hyperspace

5/07/00 - Added Thomas Banner's Warlock v1.0 to the models page

2/07/00 - Updated info section and added a 'What we know' summary from all current sources. Also added Hyperspace's left side schematic diagram to analysis section.

1/07/00 - Added Forall's Lightwave conversion WIP of RLS' Warlock and Updated RLS' Warlock info to v3.5 WIP

5/04/00 - Added URLs for download of the 3DS MAX 2.5 version of RLS' Warlock v3.0 (Download temporarilly availible from this site)

24/01/00 - Corrected JL's polygon count to 455,853

6/01/00 - Updated JL's Detail page with link to 3DS version of his model

3/01/00 - Updated data for RLS' Warlock model (preliminary release Tommarow!), Updated Analysis Section

3/11/99 - Updated Omar's Model to version 1.1, touched up several pages

24/10/99 - Provided descriptive alt tags on all pages, updated Havco critisism page

11/10/99 - Updated Research Leader Sapiano's Data and Images

8/10/99 - Updated Omar Chaudry Data, Replaced Havco Screen Name with Real Name

7/10/99 - Fixed Submit EMail Address, Added Omar Chaudry's Warlock V1.0

6/10/99 - Removed Canon Reference from Resources section (see board), compressed intro screen file for faster loading, added some additional points to Havco critism

4/10/99 - Added Havco v4.0 images/data and link to his model download, Added Discussion Images, added external acessments of the Warlock to the info section

3/10/99 - Moved domain to isnnews site, Updated models section with RLS' new data, Corrected NDEI's Polygon Count (from 82K+ to 86K+)

2/10/99 - Moved to, updated Models section, fixed broken links and modified message board headers

1/10/99 - Uploaded files to, made availible to public

30/09/99 - Began construction of site

Collection of Logical Analysis Objective Information and Analysis Official Information Cannon Images Current 3D Models