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The Zocalo Today
Welcome and thank you for dropping by. Take your shoes off, get comfortable and stay a while.
There is a LOT of information here and you won't want to miss any of it.
The Zocalo Today is an interactive newsletter, encouraging readers to join a discussion topic or to send
along letters that can be shared with other readers.
The Zocalo Today is a newsletter for Babylon 5 and science fiction fans everywhere. It is as much YOUR
newsletter as it is mine! I'm just pulling together things for you!
Join our discussion topic. It is just one way you can share with other Z readers. If you see Babylon 5 cast
and crew in other roles, let us know. We enjoy convention reports, photos, etc. Don't miss our back issues.
I hope this will become more than just a newsletter. It's a community of people that enjoy sharing their
experiences and interests. Babylon 5 brought many of us together -- and it remains with us, despite the
fact that is no longer in production. Don't be shy. Join us today!
If you have questions, drop me a line at sgbruckner@aol.com. If
you would like to join the mailing list for our newsletter, send me a note and I'll include you on the list. Or you
can use the subscription block at the left.
The Hollywood Reporter writes that Warner Bros. announced Friday that Christopher
Nolan's Batman saga has crossed the $1 billion mark in worldwide revenues, having
accumulated a $1,001,082,160 billion gross to date. With eight Oscar nominations
in its column, the film, from Warners and Legendary Pictures, currently ranks as
the fourth highest worldwide grosser of all time, just below the No. 3 film
"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" and No. 2 "The Lord of the Rings:
The Return of the King." The record-setting "Titanic" reigns atop the list with
more than $1.8 billion.
Since its release in July, DARK KNIGHT also has become Warners' highest grossing
film worldwide as well as the second-highest-grossing film domestically of all
time. In its Imax release, it ranks as the largest 2-D digitally remastered Imax
release of all time in both the domestic market with $49.6 million and worldwide
with a gross of $64.9 million.
"From our initial record-shattering opening weekend to the unprecedented momentum
of the film's boxoffice run, we could not be more proud of 'The Dark Knight's'
unparalleled success," said Warners domestic distribution president Dan Fellman.
"We salute our filmmakers, cast and crew on making cinematic history."
"Chris Nolan has taken the Batman franchise to a new level internationally," added
international distribution president Veronica Kwan-Rubinek. "Audiences around the
world have really embraced 'The Dark Knight,' which has more than doubled the gross
of any of the prior films in the franchise."
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Summit has moved to slot its third film in the
TWILIGHT series for June 30, 2010. Like other released and planned installments,
ECLIPSE is based on a vampire-romance book popular with teens. Summit has scheduled
a second TWILIGHT pic, NEW MOON, for release Nov. 20.
Franchise originator TWILIGHT unspooled last Nov. 21 to ring up a much-better-than-
expected $69.6 million over its first weekend, grossing a total $189 million domestically
and $363 million worldwide. ECLIPSE has been planned as a second sequel for some time.
So Summit is following recent industry practice in jumping on an attractive date early
for an important release. But the move is particularly notable as the still-fledgling
mini-major is taking its franchise into the lucrative summer season for the first time.
As Sci Fi's BATTLESTAR GALACTICA enters its final episodes, Universal has quietly
entered into negotiations with Glen A. Larson to write and produce a big-screen
version of the property he created. BATTLESTAR, which originally aired on ABC in
1978, was produced in the wake of the success of STAR WARS, which caused a sci-fi
revival in popular culture. The premise involved a human civilization living on a
series of 12 planets that are decimated from an attack by intelligent robots known
as Cylons. Protected by the last surviving warship, a "battlestar" called Galactica,
the survivors fled in any ship that could fly. The Commander of the Galactica, Adama
(Lorne Greene), led this "rag-tag fugitive fleet" of 220 ships in search of a new
home on a legendary planet called Earth. The series co-starred Richard Hatch and
Dirk Benedict.
The Sci Fi series, under the direction of executive producer Ronald Moore, took the
premise and ran with it, incorporating the politics of war, religion, torture and
destiny, becoming the channel's signature series.
The movie effort would have no connection to the series and would relaunch the story
in a new medium. However, staples such as the characters Adama, Starbuck, and Baltar
will remain, writes the Hollywood Reporter.
Universal had no comment.
News from this week and the last couple of months has been moved to the
News Page. Check it out
to catch up on all that has been going on in the world of science fiction.
8:00pm on CBS
Without a Trace - Last Call
A white-collar criminal disappears while on his way to testify against a former
associate, but the team's investigation leads them to believe there is more to
the story.
9:00pm on CBS
Criminal Minds - Catching Out
The unit initiates a manhunt for a serial killer who jumps trains and targets people
who live near the railway.
9:00pm on SciFi
AVH: Alien vs. Hunter(2007)
Humans get caught in the crossfire between an intergalactic hunter and another alien.
Back from London, and gradually working my way out of jet-lag to catch up with
writing. As I'd anticipated, the BAFTA went to "In Bruges," and deservedly so.
Overall, it was a great experience, and I'm perfectly content with the resolution.
One can't expect a home run in one's first kick at the cat, as they say in places
where apparently cats are not terribly popular.
(And to a query upstream, yes, I have a theramin. No, I don't use it to make strange
noises in the middle of the night. I have a cat for that.)
In other mews...I mean, news....
I'm on draft two of Forbidden Planet, and the process is going well, very exciting
stuff, and I hope I can talk about some of that in more detail soonish.
About to make the final touches to World War Z, then with any luck we can get this
thing into pre-productoin also soonish.
Draft One of Lensman is in, now working on draft two.
There have been a couple of previews for Ninja Assassin, and the audience scores
have been just terrific. I have a suspicion that this is going to do very well.
The pilot script for Last Words has gone in to Dreamworks, and they're very very
pleased with the script. So we'll see where this goes.
Interestingly, due to all the writing work, I've lately begun to be offered directing
gigs, most of it in the SF genre (natch). Nothing has grabbed me enough yet to want
to tackle it, but we'll see what the future holds. A couple of studios have extended
the offer for me to write and direct my own stuff, which is pretty cool.
My agent has forbidden me to take on any other screenplay assignments until March/April,
but some projects have begun to circle Casa Straczynski of late, looking for an open
place to land when an opening comes. Some very cool stuff on the horizon.
The interesting times continue.
Featuring these Scripts
• Thirdspace
• The River of Souls
• The Legend of the Rangers
• The Lost Tales
These TV Movie scripts are twice the length of a single episode of Babylon 5 and
are the page count equivalent of EIGHT episodic scripts making it the second biggest
book ever with more than 450 pages!
* The included version of The Legend of the Rangers is an early draft that is
20 pages longer than the script that was filmed, which means you get to read
scenes and exchanges of dialogue that never made it to the screen.
* Exhumed from Joe's vault, a 3-page fragment of an outline detailing the
premise for a Psi Corps feature film . Focusing on The Telepath War, and
appropriately titled "Wars of the Mind," JMS' notes reveal the background
of the conflict -- teeps vs. teeps, the cast of characters -- including the
identity of the Interstellar Alliance's Vice President, and the explosive
deaths of two B5 regulars -- something hinted at, but never stated in an
official series document.
* J. Michael Straczynski's personal, behind-the-scenes photos taken on the set
of The Lost Tales and The Legend of the Rangers -- included in these 36 images
are the last pictures taken of Andreas Katsulas as G'Kar.
For more information about this book, go to
http://www.cafepress.com/thejoestore. The $10 discount is only good through
February 5. This book will only be available through April 30.
Welcome to Show #145!
Seriously, how do you guys like that Babylon Podcast Season 4 opening sequence?
Crazy cool, isn’t it?
Contest: We’ve come up with a contest to give away a copy of the B5 Chronologies
scriptbook! Can you identify all the voices in the podcast opening montage? If you
think you can, submit your entries to contest [at] sliceofscifi [dot] com with the
Subject line of Babylon Podcast Chronologies Contest, and include your mailing address.
We need all 12 voices correctly identified and in order, and a single winner will
be selected from all the people who submit fully correct entries, and participants
who helped with the lines are not eligible to enter this contest… maybe next time,
Submit your entries by midnight Pacific time, March 3rd, and we’ll randomly pick
a winner from pool of correct entries live on the live feed on March 4th. Every
voice in there is known somewhere in the podosphere, so get cracking!
Visit Deep Geeking, and if you want to contribute a geeking essay, send an email
to Summer.
Discussion: Tim and Summer revisit the discussion about Ivanova’s “I am Death
Incarnate” declaration before leading the White Star fleet up against the advanced
EA Destroyer fleet. We compare it to President Laura Roslin’s speech from the recent
BSG Season 4 episode “Blood on the Scales”, and Summer amends her previous assessment
of Ivanova’s speech. She doesn’t hate it, like Tim and Mike do, but it definitely
doesn’t rank as high in her estimation as before.
Voicemail: Arkle adds his thoughts about and full support for Ivanova’s “Death
Incarnate” speech; Todd from Grand Rapids adds his comments about the Ivanova
speech; a comment on how maybe they did hang up on Ivanova during her speech and
no one told her about it.
Troy sent an email saying that Tim’s wrong about Ivanova’s speech, and how apropos
it is for a warrior walking into her death; another email thinks that it appropriately
displays her state of being near the breaking point, under the pressures of leading
the fleet and being worried about Sheridan’s welfare in captivity.
Bethany from Oklahoma is catching up after being without Internet access while in
Colorado for a month, and she watched episodes of “Babylon 5? on her drive back
home through the Rocky Mountains… good thing she didn’t really have to watch the
screen rather than the road; comments on the various themes in “Between the Darkness
and the Light”, with the struggles of many of the characters being echoes of the
title; Dave from Kentucky lets us know that there’s a large selection of Babylon 5
ships done in Legos; Doug calls in about #134 and the difference in sizes between
the B4 and B5 stations; Gary has a question for Jeffrey about the Babylon 5 Mall
Tour mentioned in some old issues of “The Universe Today”, and Jeffrey tells us
what he remembers about the tour, a promotional venture by TNT to promote the
upcoming new Season 5 episodes (paging Sandy Bruckner!)
Gary sends his apologies to Jeffrey for bringing Ed Wasser to the show for us to
talk with; Edmund from Greenville wants to chat about “Intersection in Real Time”,
and how it originally was slated to be the Season 4 finale, and thinks the way we
ended up receiving the shows works better than the original plan; Bethany from
Oklahoma shares her thoughts on “Intersections in Real Time”; Kate from Chicagoland
has issues with the Shadow War wrapping up too quickly; Neil from Bowie comments
on his shiny new copy of the TV Movies Scriptbook; Bethany from Oklahoma comments
on the discussion for “Exercise of Vital Powers”; Gary lets us know that JMS didn’t
win the BAFTA for The Changeling, and Jeffrey says that the winner, In Bruges, is
well worth checking out.
And finally, the Return of Jarsto! Jarsto smacks both Tim and Summer for not
remembering “In The Beginning” in detail in regards to how the Babylon Project
came about, from Show #138 (Summer claims sleep deprivation); Jarsto chimes in
again about Marcus gets the lyrics wrong during his rendition of “A Modern Major
General”, and submits that perhaps the Vorlons, and NOT the Shadows, destroyed the
first three stations, since they knew they’d need to take B4 back in time for
their use.
Babylon Podcast: You’re not sure what happened to you, but you liked it… Happy
Vorlontine’s Day, everybody!
Second Life Info: FarPoint Media’s Second Life space is now the penthouse suite
of Third Life Books. You can find the castle at http://slurl.com/secondlife/beraudes/203/151/49.
Come see the castle roof pool, and more!
Babylon 5 Information Gathering: If you know of a dead or abandoned B5 related
website that may be in need of a new home, let Summer know! Maybe we can mirror it
here or house it on a sister site.
I started thinking about conventions this morning and thought this might a a good discussion
topic -- one that everyone who has gone to a convention could share with readers here at
THE ZOCALO TODAY. What is your best, worst convention experience?
Send in your comments to sgbruckner@aol.com. I'll post your selections our
discussion page for all
readers to share. I'll post some of my comments in my blog -- see below.
I have just created ISN News Blog at
http://isnnews.blogspot.com. This is an experiment for me -- and I hope
you’ll join me by entering news you have to share. I’ll put in stuff that I think
is interesting for others to read about and we’ll see how it goes. Join me.
While Andreas Katsulas (G'Kar), Rick (Biggs) and Tim (Choate) are no longer with us,
we will not forget their wonderful personalities and talent -- as well as their
significant contributions to the BABYLON 5 universe. Be sure to visit
In Memory Of for more
information about memorial efforts. Until we met again, in a place where no
shadows fall.
I received a note from Ranger Glenn this morning about a company he discovered. See
his note below:
For years I have seen companies like Entertainment Earth sell figurines and ship models for
practically every science fiction, fantasy, horror or anime that you can imagine. One big
missing product line is Babylon 5. I never understood this as there is a large fan base.
I have always wanted a good model of a Whitestar.
Recently on eBay I found a company, www.eModelAirplanes.com selling high quality wooden models
of aircraft, spacecraft and science fiction starships. They have a large collection of Babylon 5
spacecraft from Shadow ships to Babylon 5 itself. I bought a Whitestar model. It is gorgeous and
is of the high quality expected of professionally crafted aircraft models. My photo doesn’t do
it justice.
Thanks Glenn for sending along the note -- and the picture.
Ranger John passed along a note about more Babylon 5 models:
If you are interested in B5 models, check out
Federationmodels.com and look in the Warp Models section for some good B5 ships.
Michael Beck - February 4
Ardwight Chamberlain - February 16
Karen Harrell - February 21
John Iacovelli - February 25
Bill Mumy - February 1
Matt Plummer - February 26
Majel Barrett Roddenberry - February 23 - she is greatly missed
John Schuck - February 4
Myriam Sirois – February 2
Have I missed anyone? If you know the birthday of someone connected with Babylon 5,
pass the information along. We want to include everyone in our Happy Birthday Wishes.
For more of these fabulous cartoons, go to
Release date: March 3, 2009
Official website: www.wonderwomanmovie.com
Offical Sweepstakes URL: www.wonderwomansweeps.com
Synopsis: Wonder Woman begins on the mystical island of Themyscira, where a proud
and fierce warrior race of Amazons resides. They have raised Princess Diana, a
daughter of stunning beauty, extraordinary strength and incredible fighting prowess.
Diana possesses a host of super human powers granted to her by the gods and goddesses
of Olympus and her strength and stamina are unparalleled. When Air Force fighter
pilot Steve Trevor crash lands on the island, the rebellious and headstrong Diana
defies Amazonian law by accompanying Trevor back to civilization. Meanwhile, Ares
(the God of War) has escaped his imprisonment at the hands of the Amazons and has
decided to exact his revenge by starting a world war that will destroy them all.
It is up to Princess Diana to save her people and the world by using her gifts to
become the ultimate Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman: 2 Disc Special Edition and Blu-Ray versions will feature collectible
packaging as well as 185 minutes of incredible bonus features.
Here's a great clip from the movie:
Wonder Woman Movie
Release date: February 17, 2009
Official website: www.rawfeed.com
Buy link:
How do you fight an extraterrestrial invasion … when you can’t tell who is friend
or foe?
From Raw Feed, creators of the Rest Stop and Otis shockers, comes the sci-fi/horror
tale ALIEN RAIDERS, a nerve-shredding battle for human survival against aliens that
invade our world by invading our bodies. Be alert. Beware. Be afraid. The creatures’
next host could be your neighbor. Your kid brother. No – it’s you!
Produced by Dan Myrick (co-director of The Blair Witch Project, co-writer of BOOK OF
SHADOWS: BLAIR WITCH 2, director of Solstice, The Believers, and The Objective) and
directed by Ben Rock (Shadow of the Blair Witch, Conversations), Alien Raiders is
WHV’s sixth acquired title from the successful “Raw Feed” film franchise. “Alien
Raiders explores the mystery, suspense, fear and tension behind mankind's fight
for survival against alien invasion,” said producer Dan Myrick. “It takes the
ingredients of horror and suspense from previous Raw Feed installments and adds
a science fiction element to increase the anxiety factor.”
Some video clips from the WB:
DEEP BREATH 1:38 YouTube
Release Date: January 20, 2009
Official website: http://www.bbcamericashop.com
Ever wonder how modern-day America appears to the rest of the world? Renowned historian
Simon Schama delves into American history to explain our present-day motivations,
expectations and crises. Taking the long perspective, Schama looks at four of the
critical issues facing our country: war, religion, immigration and the economic and
environmental crises we face. Turning to fascinating moments in American history to
understand the present, he connects such legendary presences as Thomas Jefferson,
Henry Ford and Mark Twain with today's soldiers, businessmen, truckers, school
teachers and politicians-especially Barack Obama. In the wake of the historic 2008
Presidential election, this series offers a timely and gripping vision of the United
States-past and present-as we face our moment of truth.
Release date: February 3, 2009
Everyone's favorite cat and mouse duo Tom and Jerry return to DVD in an all-new set
of adventures on Tom and Jerry Tales Volume 6, which will be released by Warner Home
Video (WHV) February 3, 2009. The sixth volume of the hit Kids' WB TV series will
feature 15 action-packed cartoons showcasing Tom and Jerry's latest adventures.
In this volume of Tom and Jerry Tales, Tom and Jerry's unending pursuit takes them
around the world from Africa to Australia and on. The duo also learns some valuable
lessons about history, including an episode where Tom inadvertently turns the
Declaration of Independence into a paper airplane and an episode where Jerry has a
role in the Wright Brothers first flight at Kitty Hawk. Tom and Jerry are also
involved in a number of musical adventures that are anything but harmonious --
Jerry sabotages Tom's efforts to win a Flamenco dance contest and Tom tries to
avert his girlfriend's attention from Jerry by singing the blues. Three very cool
episodes on this DVD are entirely devoted to the theme of snow and ice. The duo
confronts each other on a frozen pond where Jerry wants to skate but Tom plans
to play hockey. Tom and Jerry also engage in an all-out snowball battle and later
on, find themselves face-to-face with the giant abominable snowmouse.
"Tom and Jerry is one of the greatest cartoons of all time," commented Amit Desai,
WHV Vice President of Family, Animation & Sports Marketing. He added, "The essence
of the show has remained unchanged and that's why it's as successful today as it
was decades ago. Tom and Jerry Tales maintains the same classic formula that has
made this cartoon a success but places the characters in a contemporary setting,
which is why the show continues to be a big hit with kids today."
Available on DVD: January 27, 2009
Official Site URL: www.kidswb.com
Start your engines! Its Motocross season and competing against the likes of Peppermint
Patty and the Masked Marvel – aka a certain daredevil beagle named Snoopy – can
intimidate anyone. But if Charlie Brown – tagged with unlucky number 13 – can keep
the pace slow and steady (as well as hold onto his helmet), he might just win the
race! It’s fast and furious fun right up through the finish line of this wonderful
Emmy Award® winner as Outstanding Children’s Special, rolling out in a spit-shined
re-mastered deluxe edition with improved picture and audio.
DVD Special Features Include:
You're the Greatest, Charlie Brown - A new-to-DVD bonus episode. Hard work and team
spirit are what Charlie Brown needs for decathlon victory but this junior Olympian
had better keep his eye on the track to win.
Dust Yourself Off and Pick Yourself Up, Charlie Brown - An original featurette that
tells the story of how Charles Schulz' son Craig and his life-long passion for dirt
biking, served as an inspiration for his dad to include it in his famous comic strip.
I am a big fan of Charlie Brown -- have been for years. There seems to be something
for everyone in any Charlie Brown story. In this one, Charlie Brown hopes to win the
motocross race, despite being "Unlucky Number 13". While there is always a great story,
each person can take away something different -- whether it be the virtue of being a
good sport, whether you win or not -- or just the spirit of participation. It is a good
way to introduce little folks to good sporstsmanship as well. It is always great when the
gang gets together -- Charlie, Snoopy, Pepermint Patty.
Also included on this the special, YOU'RE THE GREATEST, CHARLIE BROWN. Charlie is
recruited to represent his school by competing in the decathlon for the Junior Olympics.
Peppermint Patty trains Chuck in all ten events. Charlie Brown wins several events and
has a chance to win the entire Junior Olympics for his school.
Both of the Peanuts specials on the disc have been remastered and cleaned up. They
look and sound spectacular.
Release Date: January 20, 2009
Website: www.moonlightondvd.com
Any private eye knows a lot about other people?s secrets. L.A. private eye Mick St.
John (Alex O'Loughlin) has a secret of his own. He's a vampire, dwelling in a covert
netherworld complicated by friendship with an undead finance honcho (Jason Dohring),
memories of the alluring ex- wife (Shannyn Sossamon) who turned him into a vampire,
and a relationship with a human (Sophia Myles) he feels drawn to protect -- and
maybe to love. But no matter how tempting, Mick knows a vampire-human romance is
eternally dangerous. This 16-episode, 4-disc set of the series voted the 2008
People's Choice Award for Favorite New TV Drama is a sure entertainment bet for all
who like their vampire stories sleek, intense and passionate.
Looking for movies you can watch with your children? I have moved many of the
family-oriented DVDs to a
Family DVDs page. Here you will find wonderful DVDs you can enjoy with your entire
family -- no matter the age. You will find background information about the DVD, but there
are clips as well from Warner Bros. Enjoy!
For more information on other DVDs that have just been released and reviewed, go to
New DVDs
Written by Keith R.A. DeCandido, art by Tommy Patterson, covers by Michael DiPascale
and Will Sliney.
Ka D'argo lives on -- only in this Farscape mini-series set in continuity during
Season 3 between episodes "Revenging Angel" and "Fractures!" Follow the adventures
of John Crichton's best friend D'argo as he's forced to not only save the day and
end planetary war, he's got to do it all with mouthy "princess" Jool along for the
ride. And that means trouble!
Written by Rockne S. O'Bannon and Keith R.A. DeCandido, art by Will Sliney, covers
by Joe Corroney and Dennis Calero.
Farscape creator Rockne O'Bannon is back! Television's science fiction masterpiece
Farscape continues with the same hit writing team from the first sold out mini-series!
Crichton and crew are all here as it's friend vs. friend and ally vs. ally as a
mysterious wave of violence sweeps through the crew of Moya. And worse, an entire
Flash Gordon Volume 1: The Mercy Wars HC
by Brendan Deneen & Paul Green
Discover what all the buzz is about! This beautiful hardcover collects issues #1-6
of Ardden Entertainment’s critically acclaimed new Flash Gordon monthly series, and
includes the almost-impossible-to-find issue #0. In this first arc of the new series,
Flash, CIA Agent Dale Arden, and mad scientist Dr. Hans Zarkov rocket off to the planet
Mongo and find themselves in the middle of a deadly civil war with none other than Ming
the “Merciful” at the center of the conflict! Available in Regular and Remarked Signed
Torchwood: Rift War GN
by Williamson, Furman, Edginton, Grist, & D'Israeli
Torchwood is an action-packed sci-fi series spinning out of the BBC hit Doctor Who,
following the adventures of a secret team of investigators who use scavenged alien
technology to solve present day crimes — both alien and human. When Torchwood comes
under fire in an all-out attack by extra-dimensional shock troopers, the team is torn
in all directions. And with a deadly rift bleeding through into their own reality,
time itself could be destroyed if the Torchwood team can't stop it! Featuring story
and artwork by a whole host of top British comic creators, including Paul Grist
(Jack Staff), Ian Edginton and D'Israeli (Scarlet Traces), and Simon Furman
(Transformers), Torchwood: Rift War collects the comic strips from Titan
Publishing's best-selling Torchwood: The Official Magazine, based on BBC
America's highest-rated series ever.
Battlestar Galactica: The Manga
by Salzfass, Wellman, Hatch, Wu, Delk, & Schons
Culled from storylines that didn’t make it past the cutting room floor, the Battlestar
Galactica manga takes place in Season 3 of the popular television series. In "Teacher’s
Pet," teacher Laura Roslin struggles to educate and inspire her young students with a
"human-centric" curriculum on New Caprica, until she begins to suspect one of her own
students may be a Cylon informer. Back on board the Galactica after Adama’s daring
rescue of the human population in "Shelf Life," President Tom Zarek is determined to
root out and punish any human traitor suspected of collaborating with the Cylons
during the occupation by death. But will he be able to follow through when a long-
lost friend is on top of the target list? And in "Visitation," Starbuck is stunned
when she discovers the young girl Kacey living in squalor in the shantytown, so
stunned that in her attempt to help, she crosses a line that shocks even those
closest to her.
Battlestar Galactica: The Final Five #1
by Seamus Fahey, David Reed & Nigel Raynor
While the critically acclaimed series may be coming to an end, Dynamite Entertainment
enters 2009 with a series of new and exciting Battlestar Galactica comic book events
Beginning with The Final Five, a three-issue event tying directly into the events of
the final episodes of the series, Dynamite will continue to provide a home for great
Galactica stories in 2009 and beyond! The Final Five #1 (of 4) is overseen By Seamus
Kevin (Origins) Fahey and David Reed with the complete authorization of Sci Fi and
the producers and features the back story of the Cylons, man and their current
struggle against one another! Joining the writers is Galactica veteran Nigel
Raynor, who also provide one of the two incredible covers! And to top it all
off, Red Sonja and Super Zombies artist Mel Rubi is also providing an incredible
I found this message on the Babylon 5 moderated newsgroup this morning and just
had to post it so that others might enjoy the marvelous music videos created by
John Hudgens.
As some of you may know, I was hired by Joe Straczynski back in the
day to create Babylon 5 music videos for him to use at science fiction
conventions, and later to promote the show to networks. Eight were
produced over the run of the series, not including the memorial videos
I did later for Rick Biggs and Andreas Katsulas.
For the longest time, the only way to see these was if Joe or I showed
them at a convention, but now, after numerous requests from fans over
the years, Joe has given me permission me to post these online.
Danger Zone:
I Need a Hero:
Nobody's Side:
Welcome to the Third Age:
Keep Yourself Alive:
The Phantom B5 Video:
Third Age 2K:
Richard Biggs memorial:
Andreas Katsulas memorial:
- This is the extended version that I did for Andreas' widow ater the
original cut was released on the net. It's never been seen online
until now.
For those of you who've never seen these, I hope you enjoy them - and
for those that have (and emailed me many times over the years about
releasing them), I hope they're as good as you remember. Working with
Joe on these videos was one of the highlights of my career, and I'll
be forever grateful to him for the doors these have opened for me. I'm
proud to have them on my resume.
John Hudgens
February 27-March 1, 2009
Megacon 2009
Site: Orange County Convention Center
City: Orlando, Florida
For more information, go to http://www.megaconvention.com.
March 27-29, 2009
Narutotrek 2009
Place: Sheraton Suites Cypress Creek
City: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Guests: Walter Koenig, Denise Crosby and more
For more information, go to http://www.narutotrek.com
April 24-26, 2009
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Guests: Catherine Bach, Mick Foley, Sandra Taylor, Cathy St. George, Orli Shoshan
For more information, go to http://www.steelcitycon.com
July 10-12, 2009
Place: Marriott's Hunt Valley Inn
City: Baltimore, Maryland
Guests: Jason Momoa, Rachel Luttrell, Robert Picardo, Ethan Phillips, Christopher
Heyerdahl, Michael Welch
For more information, go to http://www.shore-leave.com/
July 10-12, 2009
Place: Sheraton Parkway North Toronto Hotel
City: Richmond Hill, Canada
Description: We have over 300 hours of programming including special media guest Q&A's,
scientists, authors, discussion panels, anime & video, gaming, autographs & photo sessions,
masquerade contest, dances and art displays. They host a charity auction that raises money
for Gilda's Club of Greater Toronto -- and they have the 3rd Annual Constellation Awards.
For more information, go to TCON.
Creation Entertainment has a large number of
conventions planned for the next several months. They include stars from STARGATE,
see if one will be in your neighborhood soon. Don't miss their
Videos page as well. It is
full of some priceless video from a number of conventions.
Be sure to visit the referenced sites to see if there have been changes in
dates/guests attending. Visit our Convention Calendar
for a full listing of upcoming conventions.
The front page of the The Zocalo Today changes daily, so be sure to check the
back issues to make sure that you haven't missed anything IMPORTANT! I don't want the front page getting too
long so I shift information periodically into the archives. So if you aren't a regular visitor to The Zocalo Today, be sure
to check out the back issues. Just use the button above!
Take care and I look forward to hearing from you.
Sandra Bruckner (sgbruckner@aol.com)
ISN News: The Zocalo Today
Copyright - SBruckner, 1999-2009