Last Update on June 07 '99 |
start date for the first episode, War Zone is Wednesday, 9th
June on TNT at 10pm ET/PT.
TNT has ended
production of Crusade. Only 13th episodes have been made at the
present time.
1: "Season Title Unknown" |
- War
Matthew Gideon commands the Excalibur, a one-of-a-kind ship that
will carry the quest to save Earth to the farthest reaches of
the Galaxy...
- The
Long Road
A mining operation on Regula 4 is threatened by an unexpected
protestor. When Gideon and Galen arrive, matters are starting
to take a turn for the worse...
- The
Well of Forever
Crusade's resident techno-mage directs the Excalibur to search
for a mystical crossroads somewhere in the vastness of hyperspace
- but for what purpose?
- The
Path of Sorrows
In a dark tower on a distant world. Gideon finds a strange alien
lifeform seemingly trapped in a translucent sphere...
- Patterns
of the Soul
The Excalibur crew discover that people left the Earth during
the time of the Drakh battle - but are they infected with the
plague that threatens the Earth?
- Ruling
from the Tomb
The Excalibur is on hand at a Mars Conference on the Drakh virus,
along with Captain Elizabeth Lochley, fresh from Babylon 5 to
provide additional security...
- The
Rules of the Game
Captain Gideon comes to Babylon 5 to negotiate for the rights
to land on the Lorkan homeworld, but the Lorkans prove difficult
to persuade.
- Appearance
and Other Deceits
While visiting politial officers dertermine a new look for the
Excalibur and its crew in order to improve morale back home, the
sole survivor aboard an alien spaceship threatens the mission...
- Racing
the Night
Exploring a planet devastated by a Drakh plague, the crew come
under attack from an unknown force. Galen employs a unique method
of tracking the cause...
- The
Memory of War
Amid the vine-encrusted ruins of a vanished civilisation, the
Excalibur crew find the remnants of a weapon of incredible destruction...
- The
Needs of Earth
In response to a plea from an alien fugitive, Gideon risks a clandestine
trip to Praxis Colony and finds a refugee who guards a storehouse
of alien knowledge.
- Visitors
from Down the Street
The truth is out there. In this case way out there, as
the Excalibur learns when it picks up two very peculiar guests,
a pair of paranoia-ridden aliens named Durkani and Lyssa...
- Each
Night I Dream of Home
Dr. Sarah Chambers gets a chance to unlock the secrets of the
Drakh virus, aided by none other than Dr. Stephen Franklin. But
Drakh spies tip off the enemy, who launch an attack against the
Excalibur in an attempt to stifle their work...