ARCHIVE: (02/12/98) -> (03/01/99) |
Last Update on Feb 08 '99 |
3rd January, 1999 |
Modification / Correction at the AICN Site
The Ain't it Cool News site has made a correction to it's previous
post on Crusade, (found here)
Basically what it says is that its allegations that TNT interfered
with Crusade and removed the bits with Babylon5 cast members
(as guest stars) are untrue. The reason why they aren't appearing
in Crusade as guest stars any more is because:
"Seems that when the time came to film "The Path of Sorrows",
Ms. Tallman was busy working on a film project and was unavailable.
Her part was indeed written, but her "role" in the show had to be
re-configured due to unavailability. I have also been informed that
Mr. Doyle's planned appearance in "Ruling from the Tomb" was eventually
canceled due to economic consideations. ."
To read the whole post click here
2nd January, 1999 |
TNT has announced the following air dates for the TV movie "A Call
to Arms":
Premiering Sunday, January 3, at 8 p.m. (ET/PT),
Additional showings on January 3 at 10 pm ET/PT & 12 Midnight ET/PT.
There will also be a showing on Monday, January 11 at Midnight ET/PT
(Tuesday Morning).
Ain't it Cool News has put up a preview of the TV movie "A
Call to Arms". It also includes information about some changes
to Crusade.
It does contain some spoilers: http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/display.cgi?id=2732
Here is an extract from the preview (the Crusade news):
"And this may be the last time we see a few of our Babylon
5 heroes.
I've heard some indication that (as previously indicated on this
page) B5 characters like Garibaldi, Lyta, and Sheridan are being
taken out of the loop as far as involvement in Crusade goes. Seems
there was an intent to visit them once or twice during the new series,
but these plans may now be scuttled entirely.
I am told Garibaldi's office on Mars had already been designed for
an episode called "Ruling from the Tomb". However, said designs
were tossed out - and there's no longer any sign of Garibaldi (Jerry
Doyle) in Peter David's current script. Also, an already filmed
flashback to Lyta Alexander (Patricia Tallman) during the Telepath
War has been excised from an episode called "The Path of Sorrows".
Interestingly enough, an extremely similar sequence...featuring
a different character and actress...subsequently replaced Tallman's
cut appearance. Both of these factors do seem to support Coaxial's
recent assertions that TNT is...ummmm....requesting Crusade keep
a distance from B5 myth-arc.
As such...and quite sadly...ACTA may be the last time we see some
of our "old friends". So, enjoy watching Garibaldi and Sheridan
doing their thing one last time in A Call to Arms, 'cause TNT's
tag line indicating this film is "The Final Babylon 5 Adventure"
may be more correct than some of us would care to acknowledge."
20th December, 1998 |
Ain't it Cool News has put up a review of a Crusade episode. It
does contain a lot of spoilers: http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/display.cgi?id=2676
Here is a small extract from the top of the review (it
does not contain any spoilers):
"I should say I’ve talked to several people who have either
seen the episode in question, or know someone who has. And all of
them have indicated two factors consistently: 1) the show is very,
very good; and 2) the visual FX by Netter Digital are astounding,
and quite un-like the FX seen in Babylon 5. This isn’t to negate
the quality of B5’s FX, but sources indicate the FX in Crusade are
so far beyond anything seen in the previous series that comparison
is difficult at best."
The new series is sounding very promising now.
The final 5 episodes of season5 will be aired, one per day, at 11.30am,
Monday 28th December - Friday 1st January. As these episodes are
being shown in the morning, they may be cut, so Channel 4 are also
going to show the episodes weekly, starting on Saturday 3rd January
1999, sometime around midnight. This second showing of the episodes
will be uncut.
There is still no official news as to whether channel 4 are going
to show Crusade.
JMS has said that the TV Movie "A
Call to Arms" will still air in the US on January 3rd,
02nd December, 1998 |
Gary Cole, star of the Babylon 5 sequel series Crusade, finds the
whole situation with the series "weird," according to columnists
Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith. Cole revealed that the TNT cable
network won't schedule the series, because they're "waiting for
the NBA [lock-out] to be resolved." He adds, "We'll keep shooting
-- we've got an order for 22 episodes -- but we don't know when
we'll go on air and at what point the network will decide if they
want more and when we will do them."
From the Cinescape
web site.